Friday, August 24, 2012

Kathleen Goes To The DNC!!

Kathleen had a wonderful chance to attend the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte with her friend, Jason Rae.  Jason is a delegate.  He is also chairman of the Democratic Youth Committee.  The chairmanship is a big deal.  As his guest, Kathleen is considered a credentialed guest and so far has also been granted passes to the convention floor.  She has been texting, tweeting and putting a few things on facebook but I thought it'd be nice to share some of her photos with you.
Dr. Jill Biden at Reception
Kathleen and Friend being
interviewed for Fox 6 Milwaukee
Jason & Kathleen at the People
for the American Way party

Kathleen and Jason on the
Convention floor
Jason & Kathleen at welcoming reception

Jason Rae and Tammy Baldwin
Nancy Pelosi asking Kathleen's
advice about healthcare

Gov. Link Chaffe of Rhode Island
an Independent Gov. supporting Obama
Kathleen's welcome to the
convention packet

Michelle Obama as seen from the
Wisconsin delegation's point of view.